Why we sponsor YEP Africa
As part of our policy we contribute a small amount of our profit to social causes we can relate to. There is, of course, a multitude of possibilities, so why Yep Africa? Many of the institutions, charities, NGO’s deliver aid or relief to the poor, sick or vulnerable and in doing so are bringing short term solutions to those in need. But little has been achieved in bringing long term solutions to these areas or people. Areas and people that without permanent solutions are likely to be permanent receivers of the forementioned aid.
Relying on governments, NGO’s or large multinationals to whipe out poverty and bring economic prosperity has proven to be either false hope or at the least very ineffective. Global politics are treating illegal immigration as a root problem whereas it is a symptom of poverty and misery. Bringing up fences and increased border patrol will do nothing to decrease the flow of refugees.
Changes need to come from the people itself, and the most likely people to bring change is the youth.
So teaching the youth in poor or distressed areas to be self reliant, is probably the only way to create an enduring change that will locally benefit the community. As an entrepreneur, existing as a company for over 120 years, we feel change is inevitable for long term survival. We believe more in participating in change rather then subsidies it.
So as a person I went to The Gambia and met with the local representatives of Yep Africa. I participated in the workshops given. And only after that visit, seeing the spirit of change in this organisation and watch the participants of the training open up and really make an effort to develop themselves, I decided to sponsor Yep Africa. They do not teach mathematics nor English or administration. They teach young people to discover their talent, develop this talent into a small businesses or employment. In fact they are helping them to create their own future in their homeland. How good is that?

telephone: 078-6128000
E-mail: info@stolkhandelsonderneming.nl
Website: Stolk's Handelsonderneming B.V.