At Yepafrica Senegal we operate an Empowerment & Entrepreneurship Learning centre at Cap Skirring since 2022. Charles Mangou Namatane is our Operational manager/trainer and Bechir Moussa Diedhiou our Program Manager/trainer.
You can reach them at email: +221775837646 + 221778368187
We are working closely together with Senegal Studie Plan, a Dutch Foundation with many years of experience in Senegal in the area of Education.(ONG Education)
Yepafrica Senegal is located at:
Cap – Senegal
Route Cabrousse
Cap Skirring
All unemployed youths( age range 17-30) who would like to learn how to create your own future can apply for one of our free of charge training programs

Senegal Board team

Senegal Operational team