Musa Sidibeh

Musa Sidibeh is a 31 years old married man currently living in Makubaya. After he returned home from the backway journey to Libya, he started his own cosmetic business in 2018 in which he is mainly selling on the streets.

What motivated him to start his business were his frustrations on the failed backway journey, determination and hard work. His business is positively impacting his customers, which are all ladies, as his products are good for their skin and make them feel beautiful. Musa attended the Marketing essentials training of Yepafrica in 2018. He argues that this training has impacted the development of his business as the training has given him the knowledge that he is using nowadays.

Despite his hard work and determination, Musa encounters challenges and obstacles that affect the development of his business. The main problem is the fact that he does not have a shop where he can sell his products, a problem that is mainly affecting him in the rainy season. He also argues that he misses financial support to further expand his business. To encounter these problems, he is doing all his best to gain a shop and to address his financial challenges.

The marketing essential training has also taught him to spend the profit he is gaining wisely and how to save his money to make his business more successful.