Omar Sanneh
Omar Sanneh, a 28 years old single man living in Banjul, is the proprietor of Ever Fresh Vegetables Garden. He already started his own business in 2011, but developed this business more seriously in 2013.
Omar has followed the Businessplan training of Yepafrica in 2010and their Marketing essentials training in 2018. After finishing both trainings, he became empowered to start his own business and developed himself into a role model for other young people.
Omar does not always find it easy to own his own garden, because he sometimes feels like he is missing the right technical knowledge. Beside this challenge, he argues that his main constraint is spacing of his land as his garden is quite small and therefore he cannot produce on a big scale.
To address those challenges, Omar is determined to develop a tangible business plan and he is actively searching for financial support to expand his land. Despite the challenges, Omar enjoys having his own business, because it makes him independent and he can create work opportunities.
According to Omar that what has led to success of his business, is the right knowledge, passion, patience and the trust between him and his customers.