Doesn't change the world, we empower youth to be the change


Doesn't change the world, we empower youth to be the change


Doesn't change the world, we empower youth to be the change


Our mission is to empower youth to be the change and serve the world.


What we stand for

Our vision is to reduce youth unemployment and illegal migration in sub-Saharan Africa through youth organisations and Empowerment Learning Centres. Our mission is to empower youth to be the change and serve the world.
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What we do

At our Empowerment Learning Centres, through intrinsic motivation we empower African youth to take responsibility for creating their own future from nothing and to become agents of change.
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Who we are

The Yep Foundation (Yepafrica) was founded by Paul Engelsman and was registered in 2008 under Dutch law. In sub-Saharan Africa we operate in accordance with local laws.
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Youth Empowerment Learning Centre

Listen to Serreh Darboe, Operational Manager of Yepafrica in Gambia.


At our local Empowerment Learning Centres, we organise activities in the following areas:

  • Empowerment & Entrepreneurship training programmes and workshops.
  • Awareness sessions, which are held in villages covering a variety of subjects relating to youth unemployment and illegal migration.
  • Coordination of a Young Entrepreneurs' Business Network, which aims to create successful businesses and jobs.
  • Workshop trips for Dutch entrepreneurs to Gambia and Senegal.
  • Traineeships for Dutch students in Gambia and Senegal.

Success stories of 'Yeppers'

Invest in the future of African youth to enable them to create a
future in their own country, thus discouraging them taking The Back Way to Europe.